You have searched for west-bengal in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

7031 Conducting important jobs for break down free pumping and hauling pump sets for dewatering at Ningha Colliery
TRN : 764051 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 2.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
Tender award for conducting important jobs for break down free pumping and hauling pump sets for dewatering at ningha colliery
7032 Procurement of material for Construction of Building for Talda Gram Panchayat under MGNREGA
TRN : 760009 |  Kharagpur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.31 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for procurement of material for construction of building for talda gram panchayat under mgnrega
TRN : 759491 |  Bardhaman - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of pcc road from h/o arun pal to h/o of laltu mukherjee at sankra
7034 Procurement of material for Construction of Building for Haripur Gram Panchayat under MGNREGA
TRN : 760010 |  Kharagpur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 3.31 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for procurement of material for construction of building for haripur gram panchayat under mgnrega
7035 Round the clock Operation and Guarding of Pumping machinery, 200 KVA Boosting Transformers, lighting arrangement and other allied works at INTAKE PUMPING STATION under Surface Water Based WS Scheme, Northern Sector, Part I Kaliganj Dist. Nadia.
7036 Procurement of material for Nursery & Plantation for Turka Gram Panchayat under MGNREGA
TRN : 760011 |  Medinipur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.6 Thousand | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for procurement of material for nursery & plantation for turka gram panchayat under mgnrega
7037 Installation of Submersible with Water Tank, Soak Pit, Chatal and Water Tap near Amit Mandal House
TRN : 778139 |  Jhargram - West Bengal
Contract Value : 97.7 Thousand | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for installation of submersible with water tank, soak pit, chatal and water tap near amit mandal house
7038 Procurement of material for Nursery & Plantation for Talda Gram Panchayat under MGNREGA
TRN : 760012 |  Medinipur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.5 Thousand | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for procurement of material for nursery & plantation for talda gram panchayat under mgnrega
7039 Installation and commissioning of 60T capacity pitless type electronic Weigh Bridge including the construction of weighing cabin, the foundation of weighbridge, ramp and associated civil job along with the installation of CCTV camera at Bhanora OCP.
7040 Procurement of material for Nursery & Plantation for Saurikothbar Gram Panchayat under MGNREGA
TRN : 760013 |  Medinipur - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.3 Thousand | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for procurement of material for nursery & plantation for saurikothbar gram panchayat under mgnrega

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