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9061Construction of cement concrete road and pucca drain starting from HO Dhananjoy Panja upto HO Krishna Mahato and HO Durga Shaw to Tapan Malakar and HO Ashok Maghi to HO Manasaha Biswas and Md Said to HO Pranab Chatterjee at Santrapara in ward no 32
Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
7.55 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department
9062New concrete road and drain at Sawlibattala bye lane within the holding no 458D 458B in ward no 02 LR Dag No 96 97 LR Khatian No 191 492 and 547 Sheet No 03 Mouza- Chandernagore, Jl No 1 Hooghly under CMC Bireswar Banerjee T andD CP 2nd call
Midnapur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
9.93 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Affairs Department
9065Design & Engineering, Manufacture/Procurement, Testing, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 50 nos. Rooftop Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plants each of array capacity 10kWp including five (5) years Comprehensive Maintenance on turnkey Basis at various location of West Bengal
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.42 Crore |Agency Name :
West Bengal Pollution Control Board
9066Technical equipment management service , which includes annual operation & maintenance of 2Nos 500 KVA Dry Type Power Distribution Transformer, 3Nos 12 KV, 800A,25KA,50Hz, 3Phase V.C.B, 250 KVA D.G. Set with AMF Panel,2Nos Main L.T. Panels, Battery Chargers with Battery, Two 15 H.P. Centrifugal Pump Set (One Stand By), All Electrical Installation[Light/Fan/Power Point/Compound Light/Panel Etc.] and operation of Sound System [Auditorium] & air conditioning unit in office-cum-lab complex of WBPCB Paribesh Bhawan at 10A, Block-LA, Sector-III, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-106.
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
14.38 Lacs |Agency Name :
West Bengal Pollution Control Board
9070Repair, Maintenance and Renovation of Civil, Plumbing & Electrical System of Barrackpore Regional Office-Cum-Laboratory Complex of WBPCB at Kankinara,Panpur More,Kalyani Expressway, Vill-Panpur,PO-Narayanpur,Distric-24Pgs(N),Pin-743126
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
72.20 Lacs |Agency Name :
West Bengal Pollution Control Board