9296Laying UPVC pipe at Fatekhani Mandal para and Jalalpur near stand under Sherpur Distribution zone of Malda Arsenic Area Water Supply Division, PHE Dte, Malda.
Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value :
5.77 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department
9297WBSO ENGG Development of A Site Retail Outlet with facilities like Tanks and Pumps, Sales Building, Driveway and other allied Civil, Mechanical and Electrical works at location Mouza Subarnapur, On Chakla Badar Road , District 24 PGS. S under Kolkat
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
64.05 Lacs |Agency Name :
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
9298ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT for regular cleaning of transit house, canteen, dispensary, community hall and toilets at Salanpur Area Office under Salanpur Area
Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value :
10.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Eastern Coal Fields Ltd.
9299Supply and delivery of CIDF pipe as per IS 1536 - 2001 for Socket & Spigot pipes and IS: 7181 - 1986 for Double Flanged pipes Respectively & Specials as per IS: 1538-1993 for Rampur OHR under central sector part-lI project surface water supply scheme under Berhampore Division-I ,P.H.E. Dte.
Berhampur - West Bengal
Contract Value :
22.66 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Health Engineering Department