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9341 Extention by Laying UPVC pipe at Nashiruddin Biswas tola, Chuhuri mandal tola, Mahajantola, bairgachi and Samirghoramitola under Alinagar Distribution Zone of Malda Arsenic Area Water Supply Division, PHE Dte, Malda.
9342 Supply and delivery of CIDF pipe as per IS 1536 - 2001 for Socket & Spigot pipes and IS: 7181 - 1986 for Double Flanged pipes Respectively & Specials as per IS: 1538-1993 for Rampur OHR under central sector part-lI project surface water supply scheme under Berhampore Division-I ,P.H.E. Dte.
9343 Emergent repairing of Sultangacha Khanpur Dasghara Road
TRN : 743381 |  Hooghly - West Bengal
Contract Value : 43.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for emergent repairing of sultangacha khanpur dasghara road
9344 Improvement of pcc road from house of Sukumar Chowdhury to Sahadeb Biswas house at Chuanpur Uttar Sansad
TRN : 742432 |  Murshidabad - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.01 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for improvement of pcc road from house of sukumar chowdhury to sahadeb biswas house at chuanpur uttar sansad
9345 Installation of 21 Watt LED based single pole Solar Light with Lithium Ferro Phosphate Battery Dimming controller motion sensor under Aguiboni Gram Panchayat, Samsad Netura, At Netura Market
9346 Construction of concrete road from Sanko Charaktala to Shyamal Nandi house via SHG work shed[AAP Code - 02/06/08/04/16/594 : MIS CODE - RC/551132]
9347 Repairing and up-gradation of concrete road from Abul Kalam house via Mustakim Mondal house to Mainul Mondal house at DaltanpurViii under Hariharpara GP. AAP NO-119/2019-20 Under FFC(BG)
9348 Improvement of pcc road from house of Mansur Ali to Ramjan Sk house via Imran Sk to Badsahi road at Tarakpur Uttar Sansad
9349 Strengthening of Boundary Wall rear side and adjacent of garden side undert Doulatpur P.H.E premises under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division P.H.E Dte (phase -II)
9350 Construction of concrete road with drain from Keunta Ashram to Prasanta Nandi House. [AAP Code - 02/06/19/16/571 : MIS CODE - RC/551182]

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