Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of turbo vacuum evaporation system
provision for the routine biomonitoring, report compilation and training for a period of 24 months
development for the freight road to rail migration plan
appointment of a panel of town planning consultants to provide town planning services to the alfrded duma local municipality for a period of three years
supply and implement on-premise digital signingplatform for cef soc ltd
appointment of a contractor with cidb grading of 8ce pe and higher for special maintenance of road p44/2 between skonkenville and koppies for a period of twelve 12 months
appointment of a contractor with cidb grading of 8ce pe and higher for special maintenance of road p41/3 between reitz and tweeling for a period of eighteen 18 months
appointment of a contractor with cidb grading of 8ce pe and higher for special maintenance of road p41/2 between tweeling - frankfort for a period of twenty-four 24 months
appointment of a contractor with cidb grading of 8ce pe and higher for special maintenance of road p6/1 & p6/2 between bfn – dewetsdorp - wepener for a period of fourteen 14 months
upgrading of broadway blvd from main rd 27 to altena rd and associated works.