Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
lta pour les services de réservation et d’achats de billets
hafir & water ponds in north darfur state lawbid and rokon in darfur state
supply and delivery of tilapia fingerings for fish farming project in mtwara region
long term agreement lta for the provision and supply of family, baby, hygiene & disinfection kits - local procurement.
supply and delivery of fish feed for fish farming project in mtwara region
consultant for the preparation of the voluntary national report on the implementation of the sdgs
accord-cadre assurance flotte automobile hcr-niger
procurement of agricultural equipment, motorbikes and tricycles for the pbf project - sierra leone
national consultant design of a programme document for a transformative leadership program for women.
the united nations childrens fund unicef wishes to invite you to submit a bid for the provision of works security related within unicef rumbek compound