Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
installation of pumping equipment/solarization, 12m high pressed steel tower, fencing and 2 no.10m3 plastic tanks at wanyororo b borehole
supply and delivery of office equipment
supply of water pipes at kerma water projec
proposed constraction of 4 door pit latrine at anyanga beach in west yimbo -unstable soil-siaya county.
installation of solar panel & installation of plastic tanks and pipes at karate water project in malewa west ward
proposed construction of workshop at kieni tvc
proposed construction of phase one 6 no. lecture halls at kmtcmalindi
shortlisting criteria and document for rumuruti dam water supply project
improvement to bitumen standards of kwa -vonza market roads in kitui rural sub-county
hire of road maintenance equipment framework contract for one 1 year renewable-retender