Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
appointment of three 03 service providers for provision of municipal branded collaterals for a period of three 03 years
proposed hiring of equipments at wet rates, purchasing of murram and installation of culverts
supply increment borer same or similar to haglof increment borer
proposed konam agricultural training college
supply, delivery and maintenance of an airport rescue fire fighting vehicle aircraft vehicle re-advert
proposed construction of roads and hiring of machinery and equipments in nyota ward kuresoi north sub-county
brandednietvoorbij logo international wine taster 210ml, glass for arc infruitec, stellenbosch
design, supply, installation and commissioning of cold store refrigiration system -kericho.
supply and delivery of 6 irrometer tensiometers & 9 compost thermometers
hiring of boresha barabara equipment