Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply & delivery of irrigation material
procurement of small works for rehabilitation of moi road junction-kairini to kamahindu 2.5km access road- nyanduma ward in lari sub county
procurement of alternative accommodation for the department of planning, monitoring and evaluation comprising of 6698.19 sqm and 350 parking bays within 5 km radius of the union buildings for the period of 5 years
procurement of small works for rehabilitation of thegetieni access road-limuru central in limuru sub county
invitation for service provider to submit proposal to lease mankweng buy back centre syferkuil 921 ls mamotintane for the period of five 05 years for recycling purpose
procurement of small works for rehabilitation of ruchu rungai 2.4 km access road- nyanduma ward in lari sub county
appointment of environmental assessment practitioner for annual auditing of weltevreden and aganang landfill sites for a period of three03 years
procurement of small works for rehabilitation of tarambana and paddy to hadolf access road-limuru central ward in limuru sub county
appointment of three03 service provider for the provision of municipal branded collaterals for a period of three 03 years
procurement of small works for rehabilitation of rwacumari access road-ndeiya ward in limuru sub county