Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of endlaveleni/clinic road - d5052 in the umshwathi rrtf area
services for deeds office, cape town, for a period of twenty four 24) months
supply: catheter mount complete with 15 mm angled female connection, double swivel and a 22 mm straight female connector. must be sterile, have a manufacture & expiry date & be singe.
construction of access road to ga-maloma tribal office
provisioning of cleaning services for 12 months 604,30 m2)
supply and delivery of four 4) 350 kw truck tractors with winches to construction
supply of vaccine refridgerator - minus 40° - 130 litre
supply of various paints.
supply of disposal of mattresses as per list
supply of earthworks and gravelling bhomladi road l2685) km 0-km 1.70