Latest and live tenders published in ethiopia. Click on any tender to view further details.
international consultancy firm to undertake sogir media content training project
firm level consultancy service for development of a comprehensive road show strategy & conduct pilot show in selected woredas to promote rural energy technologies-improved stoves & solar home systems.
individual consultancy service to support the agribusiness supplier development programme in 3 countries benin, ivoire and democratic republic of congo
individual consultancy service to support the agribusiness supplier development programme in 3 countries angola, kenya and nigeria.
procurement of solar submersible water pump
recruitment of regional consultant to develop the eac regional hiv strategy for key populations
firm level consultancy for development of sdg media programming and its effective execution
supply of international gender expert
consultant to support the preparatory assistance phase of the cross-border integrated programme for sustainable peace and social-economic transformation in marsabit county kenya and borana and liben zones
firm level consultancy service for interactive website design and development