Latest and live tenders published in kenya. Click on any tender to view further details.
proposed construction of peace resettlement scheme at nadome, lomelo kapedo ward. neg 706159
proposed construction of peace resettlement scheme at kangagetei, lomelo kapedo ward. neg 706157
proposed construction of peace resettlement scheme at lorogon, kaputir ward. neg 706156
construction of 1n0 dormitory and 1no workshopshed at ukia ctti ukiaward
construction of 8 door no bathroom block ladies, 8 door no bathroom block male, 4 door no pitlatrine ladies and a 4 door no. pitlatrine male at nzeeni ttc
construction of 1n0 dormitory, 1no workshop shed, 3 door no. toilet and urinal and 2 door no vip toilet and urinal at kauti ctti kilungu ward
construction of 1n0 administration block, 3 door no. toilet, 2 door no toilet and urinalat ng’etha ctti emali mulala ward
supply and fitting of office furniture
supply and commissioning of four 4no reachstackers
supply, testing and commissioning of thrty 30no terminal tractors