Latest and live tenders published in kenya. Click on any tender to view further details.
periodic maintenance of mvita health centre makupa road – lot 15 mombasa county
periodic maintenance of broadway – cbd general kago road – kiambu county lot 12-youth
periodic maintenance of lot 10 roads embu county
routine maintenance of lot 11 road within bungoma urban area
routine maintanance of lot 29 roads kehancha urban area
periodic maintenance of lot 13 roads kisumu urban area.
routine maintenance of mariwenyi pre-school-gimba primary, shasha-shelembe-voi, mkwachunyi-tausa-a8, a8-voi town-birikani pri. school -voi town – lot 16 taita-taveta county
periodic maintenance of thika trikha girls secondary school & mwangaza primary school-munyu road kiambu county lot 13-youth
routine maintenance of lot 11 roads embu county
routine maintenance of lot 12 road within kimilili urban area