Latest and live tenders published in kenya. Click on any tender to view further details.
proposed construction of modern washroom at nyagondo in west gem ward .
proposed construction of modern washroom at rangala in sidindi ward.
for desilting and expansion of selle gabaro water pan in north horr sub- county, marsabit county
proposed construction of modern washroom at rangala in sidindi ward.
document for drilling and equipping of ol moran health service borehole
proposed construction of modern washroom at rangala in sidindi ward.
procurement of small works for the proposed installation, testing and commissioning of streetlights at ting’ang’a, ndumberi, riabai and township wards kiambu sub county
document for drilling, testpumping and equipping of kiamuri secondary school borehole
supply and delivery of rastreoneobola argentea omena fishing nets for siaga, kamin oningo, madundu and wikwang beaches in south uyoma ward, rariada sub county
supply and delivery of library books