Latest and live tenders published in mozambique. Click on any tender to view further details.

121 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14100839
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

repair, rewind transferpump-2 @ tprk details: rewinding, repairing and replacing the earings of the water transfer pump -2. details: make - eara, type - cdx/a200/20, 2 hp 3 phase. contact person mr suresh moile 052-6413078 collection and delivery from tp warsan s tore warranty - 6 months, pu6:lowermotor repair, rewind works@gzle rewinding, earing replacement and motor housing to e repaired. lower motor details: model:5 k49wn4478z part no:hd60fk656 rpm:1725 3ph contact person mr. farish rafi- moile - 055-9764652 collection and delivery from warsan tp store warranty - 6 months, repair, rewind ooster pump-1 @ mfqr ooster pump: 1, the defective motor to e rewinded and the defective parts are to e replaced incl uding the motor earings. motor details : davey make, model : hs60-08l-1, sr. no: 09070785863, 220v, rpm 2850, amps: 4.9 contact p erson suresh - moile - 0526413078 collection & delivery from warsan tp store warranty - 6 months, repair, replace rg, mechseal in p-2@gprs the ooster pump-2, need to e repaired and the defective parts earin gs and water seal are to e replaced. details: make - lowara model - ca120/33/ serial numer - 1889 max. head - 39.10 m rated flow - 50 - 150l/min pump motor manufacturer - lowara pump motor model no. - sm80ca/311 pump motor rated current - 2.92a pump motor rated voltage - 380 - 415v 1.1 kw collection and delivery of the pump is from tp warsan store contact suresh - moile - 0526413078 warran ty - 6months, repair, rewind ooster pump-1 @ ainr ooster pump is not working properly also pump is leaking *contractor need to repair thepump. *pump requires rewiniding, repalcment of earing ush and mechanical seal *pump need to e return ack in good working condition with out any un wanted sounds & leaks pump details make :lowara model : ca 200/55/ p kw:3.58 kw phase :3 pahse contact person jishar moile - 050-4400789 collection and delivery of pump from tp warsan store warranty - 6 months, repair, rewind motor pu2 @omtn details of motor: motor details: condenser fan motor, carrier make, model no:hd 52ak652, 3 p hase, 1 hp, 50 hz, 1140 rpm collection & delivery from warsan tp store warranty - 3 months contact ayesha moile 050-2551188 or fei n moile 055-8034924, leak repair in ooster pump-1 @ spc ooster pump-01 not working, seal leak to erectified. ooster pump -1 make - lowara model - ca12 0/33/a serial numer - 3754 max. head - 41.80 m rated flow - 50 - 210l/min pump motor manufacturer - lowara pump motor model no. - sm 80ca/322 pump motor rated current - 4.87a pump motor rated voltage - 380 - 415v 1.85 kw collection & deliver of pump from tp warsan store contact mr. farish moile -055-9764652 warranty - 6 months, repair, rewind transfer pump-1 @ skln transfer pump is not working properly also pump is leaking *contractor need to repair the pu mp. *pump requires rewiniding, repalcment of earing ush and mechanical seal *pump need to e return ack in good working condition w ith out any un wanted sounds & leaks pump details make :danvey model : xf 221 hp:1.4 phase : single phase rpm :2850 voltage :220-240 v hz :50 contact jishar moile - 0504400789 warranty - 6 months, repair, rewind ooster pump-2 @ res ooster pump is not working properly also pump is leaking *contractor need to repair the pump. * pump requires rewiniding, repalcment of earing ush and mechanical seal *pump need to e return ack in good working condition with o ut any un wanted sounds & leaks pump details make :lowara model : ca 200/33/ a kw :2.34 kw phase :3 pahse contact - jishar - moi le - 0504400789 warranty - 6 months, repair, rewind ooster pump-2 @ otwn ooster pump is not working properly also pump is leaking *contractor need to repair the pump. *pump requires rewiniding, repalcment of earing ush and mechanical seal *pump need to e return ack in good working condition with out any un wanted sounds & leaks pumpdetails make :lowara model : ca 200/33/ a kw :2.34 kw phase :3 pahse contact jishar moile 0504400789 warranty - 6 months, repair, rewind sumersile pumps 2nos@dml sumersile pump is not working properly - total 02 nos pump *contractor need to repair th e pump. *pump requires rewiniding, repalcment of earing ush and mechanical seal *pump need to e return ack in good working conditi on with out any un wanted sounds & leaks pump details make :lowara model : domo 15/ hp: 1.58 kw phase : single phase hz:50 cont act jishar moile - 0504400789 warrranty - 6 months

122 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14100899
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

caliration of x-ray instrument

123 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14100938
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Sep, 2018

moilization and demoilization scope of vendor: moilization and demoilization the manpower, machines, tools, consumale etc. for ea ch unit of pst-15/25 dewa scope: 1. grit alumina will e supplied and disposed 2. internal transportation 3. al kinds of permits nec essary for the work 4. power supply for light/hand light 5. scaffolding payment: payment will e done as per actual work, grit lasting of pst rotor scope of work for vendor: 1. grit grit alumina-220 lasting work of pst-15 turine rotor. no of stages 12, max diameter 1560 mm including casing olts 40 nos of average length 220 mm average dia 55 mm. 2. all consumale material and machine will e supplied y the vendor. 3. work to e carried out in dewa lasting shed inside japs. 4. work to e carried out as per dew a schedule and once work will start it wille round the clock without reak day and night. 5. dewa safety procedure will e followed 6. one responsile supervisor to e at site full time from the vendor 7. proper housekeeping to e done everyday 8. people movement in side japs must e controlled 9. air for lasting work 10. any damage of the lasting/lasted parts during work for poor workmanship will e replaced or repaired or cost of repair/replacement y the vendor 11. to complete the work with satisfaction of dewa engineer in charge dewa scope: 1. grit alumina will e supplied and disposed 2. internal transportation 3. al kinds of permits necessary for th e work 4. power supply for light/hand light 5. scaffolding payment: payment will e done as per actual work, grit lasting of pst diaphragm 1. grit gritalumina-220 lasting work of pst-turine internals. diaphragm 12 sets. average diam eter 1570 mm gland seal carrier 4 nos 2. all consumale material and machine will e supplied y the vendor. 3. work to e carried out in dewa lasting shed inside japs. 4. work to e carried out as per dewa schedule and once work will start it will e round the clock without reak day and night. 5. dewa safety procedure will e followed 6. one responsile supervisor to e at site full time from the vendor 7. proper housekeeping to e done everyday 8. people movement inside japs must e controlled 9. air for lasting work 10. any da mage of the lasting/lasted parts during work for poor workmanship will e replaced or repaired or cost of repair/replacement y thevendor 11. to complete the work with satisfaction of dewa engineer in charge dewa scope: 1. grit alumina will e supplied and dispo sed 2. internal transportation 3. al kinds of permits necessary for the work 4. power supply for light/hand light 5. scaffolding pa yment: payment will e done as per actual work

124 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14100970
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Sep, 2018

overhaul of stop, control, overload valves including hydraulic actuators of pst-15 and 25 of g station description of work: overhau l of stop, control, overload control valve with actuators scope of work for vendor: valve and actuators 1.#moilization of people, material, tools and consumales 2.#risk assessment and work method statement to e sumitted. 3.#tool ox talk to e given to the contrac tor people on daily asis. 4.#complete dismantling the valve and actuator, during dismantling if it requires to dismantle the neary p arts or assemly it will e in vendors# scope. 5.#inspection of every and each parts of valve and actuator with ndt if required 6.#rep air and rectification if necessary 7.#reassemly the valve and actuator including other parts or assemly openedduring dismantling an d complete the work in all respect 8.#all the lifting tools and tackles required for the work to e rought y vendor and it shall e wi th valid certificate. 9.#if need to take outside dewa then it will e in vendors# scope 10.#sumission of details report of work done 11.#paint similar color as existing. 12.#work will e carried out as per dewa work schedule. 13.#safety of the dewa assets 14.#safety of the vendor#s people 15.#dewa health, safety and environment policy will e followed 16.#complete the work in all respect. testing and commissioning. 17.#for technical clarification please contact ezaz-0503493353/0555090835, emailmd. dewa scope: 1.#all i&c and electrical instruments shall e disconnected y dewa 2.#air supply asavailale at one point 3.#power supply in one poi nt 4.#crane as availale 5.#in house transportation 6.#it is the responsiility of the contractor to have his own arrangement in exten ding the electricity and water utility to his places of work. for any ulk storage of water, contractor should make his own arrangeme nt for storage tanks, etc. 7.#the contractor, however, is required to furnish in advance his requirement of power and air with full justification. contractor shall not waste or misuse the facilities provided y dewa. 8.#isolations and permit to work of the designat ed equipment in line with dewa ptw procedure. 9.#necessary entry permits for contractor personnel, equipment and vehicles as per dew a procedure. warranty: 1.#the warrantyperiod for the works shall e one year from the date of commissioning 2.#in case of any da mage/defect of the work carried out under this contract within this warranty period, the contractor shall attend and carry out the n ecessary repair / replacement work and make good the defect within shortest period. the contractor will provide 24 hour emergency nu mer and will endeavor to e onsite within 24 hours of return request y dewa. 3.#on eing given a notice of defect y dewa, the contract or shall arrange to carry out the repair work within the prescried time limit as set out y dewa and all such contingencies shall e d eemed to have een covered in the offer, overhaul of stop, control, overload valves including hydraulic actuators of pst-15 and 25 of g station description ofwork: overhau l of stop, control, overload control valve with actuators scope of work for vendor: valve and actuators 1.#moilization of people, material, tools and consumales 2.#risk assessment and work method statement to e sumitted. 3.#tool ox talk to e given to the contrac tor people on daily asis. 4.#complete dismantling the valve and actuator, during dismantling if it requires to dismantle the neary p arts or assemly it will e in vendors# scope. 5.#inspection of every and each parts of valve and actuator with ndt if required 6.#rep air and rectification if necessary 7.#reassemly the valve and actuator including other parts or assemly opened during dismantling an d complete the work in all respect 8.#all the lifting tools and tackles required forthe work to e rought y vendor and it shall e wi th valid certificate. 9.#if need to take outside dewa then it will e in vendors# scope 10.#sumission of details report of work done 11.#paint similar color as existing. 12.#work will e carried out as per dewa work schedule. 13.#safety of the dewa assets 14.#safety of the vendor#s people 15.#dewa health, safety and environment policy will e followed 16.#complete the work in all respect. testing and commissioning. 17.#for technical clarification please contact ezaz-0503493353/0555090835, emailmd. dewa scope: 1.#all i&c and electrical instruments shall e disconnected y dewa 2.#air supply as availale at one point 3.#power supply in one poi nt 4.#crane as availale 5.#in housetransportation 6.#it is the responsiility of the contractor to have his own arrangement in exten ding the electricity and water utility to his places of work. for any ulk storage of water, contractor should make his own arrangeme nt for storage tanks, etc. 7.#the contractor, however, is required to furnish in advance his requirement of power and air with full justification. contractor shall not waste or misuse the facilities provided y dewa. 8.#isolations and permit to work of the designat ed equipment in line with dewa ptw procedure. 9.#necessary entry permits for contractor personnel, equipment and vehicles as per dew a procedure. warranty: 1.#the warranty period for the works shall e one year from the date of commissioning 2.#in case of any damage/defect of the work carried out under this contract within this warranty period, the contractor shall attend and carry out the n ecessary repair / replacement work and make good the defect within shortest period. the contractor will provide 24 hour emergency nu mer and will endeavor to e onsite within 24 hours of return request y dewa. 3.#on eing given a notice of defect y dewa, the contract or shall arrange to carry out the repair work within the prescried time limit as set out y dewa and all such contingencies shall e d eemed to have een covered in the offer

125 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14100987
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Sep, 2018

repairing of h3 sfc-see power supply card with the elow conditions: # the material must e delivered free from defect in the workshop # warranty period of 12 months from the date of shipments acceptance # service report will e sumitted alon g with the items repairing for any clarification please contact mr. mohamed.0503759964 or mr. ahmed.05657 05272

126 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14101008
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Sep, 2018

supply and fixing of led stroe light; ch-pl-002-18w, dc 12v, size: 1000 lg x 10 wd x 10 hg cm, power 8 watt, 8 or 12 led light with 3 f lashing modes, left 4 lights and right 4 lights flash 3 times at the same time, repeat continuously, for security, emergency works. n ote: supplier should supply and fix the item on dewa vehicle

127 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14101035
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  03 Sep, 2018

suscription renewal of annual user license with enterprise connect, f secure anti-virus, annual maintenance contract 4 onsite incidents per year with unlimited telephonic supportmore details contact:hedaya.alshehi@dewa.

128 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14101143
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Sep, 2018

supply of server computer, make: hp, model: hp proliant ml370g6, intel xeon processor, serial numer: czj14807j2, product no: 483880-21, with o ut operating system. quote for exact model only, computer, make: hp, model: hp compaq 8200 elite, small form factor, product numer: xy133ea#av, serial numer: trf1390gzy, core i5 250 0 cpu@ 3.3ghz, 1.88 g ram, without operating system

129 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14101194
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

supply of prismatic oil level indicator, make: sea, type: l300, dimensions: 65 x 305 mm, for sea make et. slno: 109378, diode for lamp test; make: caur italy; type: cdm / 2 diode rated voltage: 0 to 100v; peak reverse voltage: 1000v - 2x1a; for sea make et. slno: 109378, gate valve; make: la quotata italy; type: uni pn10 dn 15; for sea make et. slno: 109378

130 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14101206
Location :  Mozambique - Mozambique, Mozambique
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  03 Sep, 2018

supply of pump: horizontal centrifugal pump, model: a23-40, moc: super duplex ss, application sea water, pump details: q 21.9m3/hr, h 180m, n 3666rpm, make: sulzer, origin: finland

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