Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply and installation of new fourteen 14 tents at mpila resort
invitation to tender for rental office space for seda national office in pretoria for a period of five 5 years and for a period of ten 10 years and/or office rental space for a period of five 5 years with an option to purchase the property and for a period of ten 10 years with an option to purchase the property.
upgrading of main road 947 between ruskfontein and laxey: phase 3 cidb grading 8ce
periodic maintenance of the national route 2 section 22 from kandandlovu km 12.40 to mbizana river km 24.00. this project is in the province of kwazulu-natal in the district municipality of ugu dc21 and local municipality of ray nkonyeni. the approximate duration is thirteen 13 months including the 3 months mobilisation period. only tenders with a b-bbee contributor status level of 1, 2, 3 or 4, are eligible to tender. only tenderers who comply with the eligibility criteria for: key persons; environmental, social, health, and safety eshs past performance; financial capability; experience and past contract performance, as stated in the tender data, are eligible to tender. only tenderers who are registered on the national treasury central supplier database, are eligible to tender. it is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading designation of 8 ce or higher, however tenderers attention is drawn to clause 4.1.1 of the tender data when submitting their tender.
periodic maintenance of the national route 2 section 22 from mtamvuna river km 0.00 to kandandlovu km 12.40. this project is in the province of kwazulu-natal in the district municipality of ugu dc21 and local municipality of ray nkonyeni. the approximate duration is thirteen 13 months including the 3 months mobilisation period. only tenders with a b-bbee contributor status level of 1, 2, 3 or 4, are eligible to tender. only tenderers who comply with the eligibility criteria for: key persons; environmental, social, health, and safety eshs past performance; financial capability; experience and past contract performance, as stated in the tender data, are eligible to tender. only tenderers who are registered on the national treasury central supplier database, are eligible to tender. it is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading designation of 8 ce or higher, however tenderers attention is drawn to clause 4.1.1 of the tender data when submitting their tender.
construction of the kokstad interchange and traffic control centre on national route 2 section 21 km 6.4. this project is in the province of kwazulu natal in the district municipality of harry gwala and local municipality of greater kokstad. the approximate duration is 33 months inclusive of a 3 month mobilisation period. cidb regulation 251b will not be applicable to this contract. only tenders with a b-bbee contributor status level of 1, 2, 3 or 4, are eligible to tender. only tenderers who comply with the eligibility criteria for: key persons; environmental, social, health, and safety eshs past performance; financial capability; experience and past contract performance, as stated in the tender data, are eligible to tender. only tenderers who are registered on the national treasury central supplier database, are eligible to is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading designation of 9ce or higher, however tenderers attention
periodic maintenance on national route 2, section 29 from km 28.8 to eteza weighbridge km 44.6. this project is in the province of kwazulu- natal in the district municipality of uthungulu and local municipality of mfolozi. the approximate duration is fifteen 15 months including the 3 months mobilisation period.only tenders with a b-bbee contributor status level of 1, 2, 3 or 4, are eligible to tender.only tenderers who comply with the functionality criteria for: key persons; environmental, social, health, and safety eshs past performance; financial capability; experience and past contract performance, as stated in the tender data, are eligible to tender. it is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading designation of 8 ce or higher, however tenderers attention is drawn to clause 4.1.1 of the tender data when submitting their tender
provision of crushed aggregate from the rcl 9 quarry for the upgrade of national route 3, sections 2 and 3. this project is in the province of kwazulu-natal in the district municipality of umgungundlovu. the approximate duration is 60 months, including the 3 months mobilisation period. only tenders with a b-bbee contributor status level of 1, 2, 3 or 4, are eligible to tender.only tenderers who comply with the eligibility criteria for: key persons; environmental, social, health, and safety eshs past performance; financial capability; experience and past contract performance, as stated in the tender data, are eligible to tender.only tenderers who are registered on the national treasury central supplier database, are eligible to tender.if the tenderer is a qse, it is a requirement of this project that the successful tenderer subcontract a minimum of 30 percent 30% of the work by the end of the contract to targeted enterprises as defined in the contract data.
upgrade to national route 3, sections 2 and 3 from lynnfield park km30.6 on n3/2 to asburton km0.8 on n3/3. this project is in the province of kwazulu natal in the district municipality of umgungundlovu and local municipalities of msunduzi and mkhambathini. the approximate duration is 40 months, including the 3 months mobilisation period. cidb regulation 251b will not be applicable to this contract. only tenders with a b-bbee contributor status level of 1, 2, 3 or 4, are eligible to tender. only tenderers who comply with the eligibility criteria for: key persons; environmental, social, health, and safety eshs past performance; financial capability; experience and past contract performance, as stated in the tender data, are eligible to tender. only tenderers who are registered on the national treasury central supplier database, are eligible to tender. it is estimated that tenderers should have a cidb contractor grading designation of 9ce, however tenderers attention is drawn to clause 4.1.1 of the tender data when submitting their tender. tenderers should note that their proposed electrical subcontractor shall be registered with the cidb as grade 6ep or higher.
provision of cleaning services at pretoria north magistrate court for a period of 24 months epwp project