Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
maintenance of national route r21 sections 1 & 2, n12 sections 18 & 19, n3 sections 11 & 12 & n17 section 2
provision of consulting engineering services for the improvements within alexandria from km 0.00 to km 1.2 this project is in the province of eastern cape and in the local municipality of ndlambe preferences are offered to tenderers who comply with the criteria stated in the tender data.
provision of consulting engineering services for the improvement on national route r72 section 2 alexandria km 1.0 to port alfred km 49.0. this project is in the province of eastern cape and in the local municipality of ndlambe.
appointment of a service provider for the procurement of seedlings to plant the temporary unplanted areas in the department of ag-riculture forestry and fisheries plantations in kwazulu natal, eastern cape and limpopo for a period of three 3 years
appointment of a service provider for supply, delivery and commissioning of agriculture machinery and equipment for zonderwater management area.
supply and delivery of 1 x 10 ton 3 stage low mast with side shift forklift. proqurement plan number: dod proc plan 19-20 and saaf 10 ad/131. bid document can be downloaded for free at central procurement service centre, c/o van riebeeck and stephanus schoeman roads, thaba tshwane, pretoria, bidders to bring along blank cd’s.
innovation hub’s network overhaul
supply and installation of water coolers at gpaa
procurement of panel of attorneys for a period of 5 years
procurement of a multicomponent gas analyser for carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, sulphur dioxide and oxygen, including delivery, installation, commissioing and training.