Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
southern cape: garden route and central karoo: maintenance and servicing of fire detection and alarm systems for a period of 3 years
provision of executive coaching services and leadership assessments
maintenance of the security rolltainers at the gauteng medical supplies depot for a period of two years
appointment of a professional service provider consulting engineer for development of water and sewer masterplan for sasolburg town in free state
appointment of a professional team to undertake township establishment processes for estoire in bloemfontein, free state
appointment of a professional service provider consulting engineer for development of water and sewer masterplan for sasolburg town in free state
panel of service providers contractor for siting, drilling, testing, equipping, replacement and fishing of boreholes. cidb-2ce/me or higher
internal audit services
provision of heritage impact assessment phase 2 - mitigation
provision of financial modelling, programme design and monitoring and evaluation expertise with respect to utilising outcomes based contracting instruments on the department of health’s national maternal and child health mch messaging platform