Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.

14771 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580080
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  24 Apr, 2019

provission of auctioneering services for condemned, scrapped and obsolete assets for the kzn department of health: 3 year contract

14772 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580082
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 May, 2019

implementation evaluation of the operation phakisa

14773 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580083
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  20 May, 2019

hire of office accommodation : a lettable area sufficient to accommodate 1480m2 of assignable space plus to a maximum of 25% of non-assignable office space, plus 25 secure undercover bays, 30 open parking bays and 1 disable bay is required

14774 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580084
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  30 Apr, 2019

alternative accommodation for department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

14775 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580185
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  25 Apr, 2019

appointed by the south african national roads agency soc ltd sanral to provide a comprehensive property service. interested parties are hereby invited to submit offers to lease the following properties

14776 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580186
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  10 May, 2019

potential service providers to submit proposals for the provision of office space lease. the nef will make available the comprehensive rfp document that will outline the specifications and functional requirements of the proposal. rfp documents will be available on the nef website: on 15 april 2019. the nef reserves the right to cancel the tender should the needs of the nef change or should the nef regard the submissions not to be adequate based on its needs.

14777 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580188
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  03 May, 2019

request to acquire an alternative suitable office space for sita eastern cape port elizabeth through an operating lease for an initial minimum period of 5 years with an option to / renew / extend for another 5 years

14778 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580189
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  25 Apr, 2019

appointed by the south african national roads agency soc ltd sanral to provide a comprehensive property service. interested parties are hereby invited to submit offers to lease the following property

14779 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580190
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 May, 2019

design, supply and implement upgrades and reconfiguration of two 2 tourist accommodation facilities at algeria within cederberg wilderness.

14780 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15580191
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 May, 2019

design, supply and implement upgrades and reconfiguration of two 2 tourist accommodation facilities at algeria within cederberg wilderness.

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