Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.

15781 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439417
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Apr, 2019

supply of vmware software

15782 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439426
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  10 May, 2019

supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and training of a variable energy 70mev h- cyclotron and associated beam lines for isotope production and the provision of spare parts at ithemba labs

15783 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439436
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  12 Apr, 2019

supply, delivery and commisioning of electrical equipment and panels for nqf level 3, 4 and trade test

15784 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439494
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Apr, 2019

supply and delivery of one optical fibre reflectometer to characterise optical fibre networks and photonic subsystems used for radio astronomy applications including all test peripherals required by the reflectometer, calibration, and routine servicing support. the contract is for a period of five years

15785 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439505
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  12 Apr, 2019

supply and delivery of theatre consumables to all hospitals institutions under the control of the department of health, western cape government for a three year period

15786 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439510
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  19 Apr, 2019

segregation, collection, treating and safe disposal of hazardous chemical waste, including supplying of containers and hazmat spill response services.

15787 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439516
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  19 Apr, 2019

collection, transportation, treatment and safe disposalof health care risk waste hcrw at samrc sites in gauteng and kwazulu natal

15788 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439520
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Apr, 2019

procurement a pathogen identification system for public health laboratory, infection services laboratory for a period of five 5 years at charlotte maxeke hospital

15789 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439526
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Apr, 2019

placement and maintenance of luminex immune based system of tissue typing and antibody screen for a period of five5 years at tswane hospital

15790 African Countries Tenders
GTN :15439533
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Apr, 2019

placement and maitenance of fully automated fluorescent slide processor and fluorescent microscope for a period of five5 years at tswane hospital

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