Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
louis fourie - portions 13/14 - integrated human settlement development
service, repairs and maintenance of air conditioners at palace of justice and north gauteng high court for period of 24 months
service, repairs and maintenance of air conditioners at silverton saps forensic laboratory for period of 24 months
construction of facilities for people with disabilities cidb grading: 4gb / 3gbpe
midlands region: department of basic education: uthukela district umtshezi thandanani primary school: refurbishment to storm damage
midlands region: department of basic education: umzinyathi district msinga khulani primary school: refurshment to storm damage. contract period: six 06 calendar months cidb grading 3gb only joint venture: n/a
midlands region: department of basic education: uthukela district umtshezi emahhashini primary school: refurbishment to storm damage contract period: seven 07 calendar months cidb grading 4gb only joint venture: n/a
midlands region: department of basic education: uthukela district imbabazane
department of health: uthukela district: st chads chc: construction of borehole and erecting a new galvanised ground water storage facility
department of basic education: utmzinyathi district: msinga swebane primary school: sanitation programme : phase ii