Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.

17191 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14414992
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Nov, 2018

delivery of a aero-medical service to the emergency medical services ems for a five 5 year period

17192 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14414995
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Nov, 2018

appointment of a service provider for provision of e-books in 2018/19 financial year.

17193 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14415000
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Nov, 2018

appointment of a service provider for the implementation of sap s/4 hana and provide support for a period of twelve 12 months

17194 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14415001
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Nov, 2018

appointment of a service provider to provide access to the information database sources for the internal personnel suitability checks function. evaluation will be based on an 80/20 principle.

17195 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14415003
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  13 Nov, 2018

supply of waste accessories, removal and disposal of all hazardous waste generated by the south african police service saps forensic science laboratories fsl at gauteng, kwazulu natal, eastern cape and western cape for a period of two 2 years

17196 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14415010
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Nov, 2018

department of public enterprises invites service providers to submit proposals to develop a board evaluation instrument. nb the applicable pre-qualification for this bid is exempted micro enterprise

17197 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14415014
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Nov, 2018

rehabilitation and construction of new office block at 85 anderson street, johannesburg: procurement of professional services: built environment: construction project manager.

17198 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14415021
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Nov, 2018

rehabilitation and construction of new office block at 85 anderson street, johannesburg: procurement of professional services: built environment: occupational health and safety.

17199 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14415027
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Nov, 2018

appointment of a service provider to support the development and implementation of business improvement processes and systems, piloting financial options and determining appropriate organisational form.

17200 African Countries Tenders
GTN :14415032
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Nov, 2018

appointment of a service provider for the provision of various internal audit ia services.

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