Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of sidewalks on d893 from km 0+500 to km 0+800 in the maphumulo local municipality kz294 for grade 2ce vukuzakhe contractors
maintenance on p20-2 from km 0+000 to km 16+666 in the maphumulo local municipality kz294 for grade 3ce or 3sh vukuzakhe contractors.
majv has been appointed by the south african national roads agency soc ltd sanral to provide a comprehensive property service. interested parties are hereby invited to submit offers to purchase the following unimproved properties:
supply of fully automated weld fume extraction and filtration system/s to extract welding fume at source from 30 welding cubicles
rendering of cleaning services at soshanguve magistrate court for period of 24 months
rendering of cleaning services for 24 months
bankseta is seeking to appoint a qualified service provider with experience in active recruitment and who is located in south africa to recruit learners for learning programmes in the banking and alternative banking sector
appointment of a service provider to manage international investor for perception research study for brand south africa for the period of three 3 years
appointment of a preffered list of suppliers to conduct airborne magnetic gradiometer and radiometric surveys for the council for geoscience for a period of three years
appointment of service providers to review section 84 and 85 of the local government: municipal structures act 1998, act no 117 of 1998 and to develop regulations on the assignment & revocation of municipal powers & functions for the period of 12 months.