Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.

55131 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680730
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  11 Jul, 2013

supply: bi annual service of air handling units x 148.

55132 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680738
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Jun, 2013

lmplementation of the remuneration strategy and pay progression model for the council for geoscience

55133 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680745
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Jun, 2013

supply,delivery,implementation,setting to work and management of a standardized and centralized asset maintenance management system

55134 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680754
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  11 Jul, 2013

supply: bi annual service of water treatment plants x 7.

55135 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680761
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Jun, 2013

pharmaceutical medicines to the state security agency ssa) for the period of three 3) years

55136 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680766
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  11 Jul, 2013

supply: bi annual service of electric boilers x 2.

55137 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680774
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Jun, 2013

reviewing district municipalities with the aim to assess challenges, develop strengthening strategies, provide options for restructuring and set out implications of reform

55138 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680783
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  18 Jun, 2013

supply and deliver pads sanitary regular self-adhesive.

55139 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680794
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  18 Jun, 2013

supply and deliver screening curtains for ward 7.

55140 African Countries Tenders
GTN :4680806
Location :  South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  18 Jun, 2013

supply and deliver n95 facemasks.

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