Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
providing training of epwp beneficiaries on the hwseta skills programme-hiv and aids awareness 5 projects-gauteng province)
providing training of epwp on the hwseta skills programme - thogomelo psychosocial support for community care givers 2 projects - gauteng province)
appointment of a service provider s) to develop rural municipal spatial development frameworks sdf) for a period of twelve 12) months: northern cape province
the presidency invites service providers who have the capability to manufacture national orders insignia.
develop a wall to wall land use scheme for dr pixley ka isaka seme local municipality, in mpumalanga province for a period of ten 10) years
remove and install new bedside screens
the arc hereby invites suitable and qualified bidders to submit tenders for the provisioning of an integrated accesscontrol system for infruitec-nietvoorbij.
supply of office and domestic equipment
supply of pastoe chairs x 243
appointment of a service provider to review and align north west land use management bill and accompanying regulations with the spatial planning and land use management bill and draft regulations