Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
road reserve maintenance rrm work on south coast road, sydney road and umbilo road for 36 months
provision of occupational health and safety assessment ohs risk assessment services
design, editing, printing and distribution of gkm monthly newspaper
supply and deliver animal fodder as and when required for the south african national biodiversity institute sanbi to the mokopane biodiversity conservation centre mbcc for a period of three 3 years
appointment of a service provider to develop an order of magnitude cost estimate tool for the student housing infrastructure programme
appointment of a service providers, firm or a consortium to develop a land use scheme for a period of twelve 12 months for lepelle-nkumpi and modimolle-mookgophong municipalities in limpopo province
supply, delivery and offlaoding of powdered carbon for use in potable water treatment for wemmershoek, steenbras blackheath, faure and voelvlei water treatment plants
appointment of a service provider, firms or a consortium to develop land use schemes for a period of twelve 12 months for richtersveld, namakhoi, kamiesberg and hantam municipalities in northern cape province.
road reserve maintenance rrm work on bluff road, tara road, austerville drive and andrew zondo road for 36 months
appointment of a service provider, firms or a consortium to develop land use schemes for a period of twelve 12 months for karoo hoogland, kareeberg and ubuntu municipalities in northern cape province.