African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
provision of office 365 licenses
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
request for information sanren ethekwini metro dark fibre network solution
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
provision of background check/vetting services
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
sale of erf 1381 glencoe
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
sale of erf 5364
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
contract of cleaning and hygiene services at tshwane mail centre building
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
provision of a rigging and lifting service including equipment hire on an as and when required basis at koeberg operating unit
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
appointment of a service provider to provide an expert review of the it network security audit findings establish root causes and corrective measures
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
procurement 10317888
African Countries Tenders
Location :
South Africa - South Africa, South Africa
supply & delivery of medical requisites.