Latest and live tenders published in south africa. Click on any tender to view further details.
provision of cleaning services for head office buildings at: elits, bowden house and davis alexander
provision of security services for head office buildings at: ned building and giltime
provision of cleaning services for head office buildings at: absa building
appointment of a panel of training providers for the provision of training of subjects advisors of content subjects, other than mathematics, physical science, and technology mst subjects on information and communications technology ict intergration with curriculum for a period of thirty-six 36 months: kwazulu-natal department of education
appointment of a service provider to undertake a source apportionment study in the highveld priority area for a period of 36 months
re-waterproofing of flat roofs and internal renovations at block d, e and cssd
appointment of a service provider to develop a comprehensive passenger demand model
health and safety agent services three year framework
more information on dtpc. dube tradeport invites proposals from suitably qualified service provider to supply dtpc with data centre and network operational spares hardware from the oems for a three 3 year period. the appointed service provider will be required to provide, inter alia, the hardware from the following oem’s ubiquity cisco mikrotik; apc and raritan. in line with the pppfa regulations, 2017 sub reg. 4, the prequalification criteria for this bid is that only companies who are b-bbee level 1or 2 with 30% subcontracted to black
provision of fibre installation and maintenance with gpon warranty and support fttb for dube tradeport corporation for a period of three 3 years. dube tradeport invites proposals from suitably qualified service provider to provide dasan zhone hardware and support services for the dube tradeport’s fiber network for a three 3 year period. the appointed service provider will be required to provide, inter alia, the following services: hardware and software warrantees from dasan zhone for gpon equipment provide additional dasan zhone gpon equipment on an adhoc basis per project installing new fiber infrastructure on an adhoc basis per project attend to fiber breaks and complete fiber repairs on a adhoc basis provide completion certificate after completion for both tangible and intangible assets for inclusion in the asset register. in line with the pppfa regulations, 2017 sub reg. 4, the prequalification criteria for this bid is that only companies who are b-bbee level 1or 2 with 30% subcontracted to black eme companies