Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
procurement of drugs and medicine
supplying various office supplies and materials for provincial government of marinduque stocks, pgso, boac, marinduque
purchase of rice for the distribution to covid-19 affected households
lodging 4 rooms to be used for sustainability planning workshop for gawa and compresur
supply and delivery of office supplies for vaccination and municipal isolation unit, mho-lgu, laak, davao de oro.
proposed rehabilitation of comfort room and water supply system at pugad lawin high school mathay building
ã¢â‚¬â€œ nrj connecting to tamped in support of rubber sheet processing, matalam, cotabato
supply, delivery and installation of brand new 3.0hp highwall mounted aircon for aparri mso and lagawe service desk
be distributed posted on public spaces on november 2021
supply and delivery of ultraviolet-c germicidal handheld device