Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of fiber pre-treatment facility,bamboo extraction machine,sound insulation analyzer, precision environmental control system,respirator resistance tester
construction of a retaining wall made of reinforced concrete at the playground of the self-housing settlement of the community of sia in the district of nicosia
convergence and special support program, sustainable infrastructure projects alleviating gaps sipag - access roads and/or bridges from the national road/s leading to major/ strategic publ
supply and delivery of various trashbags framework agreement
procurement of security services for dbm roxi for cy 2022 and 2023
supply of heparin flushing solution to cover immediate needs
construction of missing links/ new roads, calauag-guinayangan-buenavista-lopez road, quezon
construction of farm to market road at sitio daang bakal brgy. cabanbanan pagsanjan, laguna
supply of plant protection products for the needs of plant protection associations ad 1/2022
procurement of manpower services for dbm roxi for cy 2022 and 2023