Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
basic infrastructure program - multi-purpose buildings/facilities to support social services - construction of multi-purpose building, barangay tubongan, calanasan, apayao
construction of multi-purpose building, barangay sugsugin, del gallego, camarines sur
procurement of spare parts - meo/motorpool section repair & maintenance of rescue vehicle - saa 8966
supply of cawayan potable water system
backfilling of road and areas specified in the campus
supply and delivery of tshirts/chaleko with print asstd. in size & 3 others
construction of perimeter fence and drainage system at pnp station barangay sto nino 1st
cssp- sipag - access roads and/or bridges from the national road/s leading to major/strategic public build
purchase of goods for senior citizen
network development program paving of unpaved roads - tertiary roads apayao - ilocos norte road - k0640+727 - k0642+000