Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
cross-section survey bathymetric work of the river kushiara chainage from km. 0.00 to km. 84.00 x-section no- kus01-to kus1515 nos the river shakha barak chainage from km. 0.00 to km. 18.00 x-section no-sba01-to sba0404 nos and the river titas chainage from km. 0.00 to km. 96.00 x-section no- ti 01-to ti 1717 nos total x-section 36 nos under morphology division during the year 2020-21.
cross-section survey bathymetric work of the river baulai chainage from km. 0.00 to km. 54.00 x-section no- bou01-to bou1010 nos jadukata rakti chainage from km. 0.00 to km. 36.00 x-section no- jdr 01-to jdr 077 nos river dhala chainage from km. 0.00 to km. 42.00 x-section no- dha 01-to dhaj 08 08 nos and the river kasti chainage from km. 0.00 to km. 42.00 x-section no-kt01-to kt 08 08 nos total 33 nos x-section under morphology division during the year 2020-21
construction of additional class room of katlasen gps under pedp4
renovation work of kazi nazrul islam auditorium phase-1
purchase of different types of bulbs/lamps with accessories for power house lighting street & security lighting office & dormitory lighting etc.
renovation work of kazi nazrul islam auditorium phase-2
construction of additional class room of moddhyo barera gps under pedp4
construction of additional class room uttar char afzal gps under pedp4
suppy & installation of exhaust fan at different pump house under mods zone-7
cross section survey bathymetric work of the river upper- meghna x section no- m2-1 m3 m4 m4-1 m5 m5-1m6 m7 m7-1 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 m13 m14 m14-1 m15 m16 m17 m18 m19 m20 m21 m22 m23 m23-1 m24. total 28 nos. from km.0.00 to km. 182.00 under morphology division during the year 2020-21.