Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
estimate for installation of 40 nos. deep tube well with 6 hand pump.
supply of country boat surveyor skilled & unskilled labor hiring of pickup for discharge measurement works location of 131.5 saktiarkhola 269 sunamgonj 333 muslimpur and 333a dalura of sunamgonj hydrological section of sylhet hydrological sub-division under north eastern measurement division 72 green road for the year of 2020-21 period january/2021 to june/2021.pkg. no-egp- 32/dis/sunamg/nemd/2020-21
construction of pile works for academic building at gatabola dakhil madrasha chunarughat
construction of pile works for academic building at chalitar abda afsar talukdar mohial madrasha chunarughat high
supplying fitting fixing the best quality brand new original spare parts for repairing of mitshubichi zeep no-dhaka-gha-8082 and pikup n0-dhaka metro-ma-02-1821 of 1st line workshop sub-division under road division during the year 2020-2021.
purchase of coil of different solenoid valves of gt
installation of 04 nos 100mm x 50mm dia deep tube well for water supply at pti of under fourth primary education development program pedp-4 of year -2020-2021
supplying of country boat skilled labour unskilled labour & hiring of pic-up for discharge measurement works location of 228.5-mymensingh 36-jaria janjail & 262-bijoypur 3 nos discharge station small river of mymensingh hydrology section of mymensingh hydrology sub-division under north-eastern measurement division 72-green road for the year of 2020-2021 period jan/2021 to jun/2021. pkg no- 26/dis/mym/nemd/2020-2021
renovation re-construction and beautification work of bhaluka s&d office campus bpdb including plaster and painting of control room building
repairing works of a office cum so quarter at kobadak station and b office cum barrack at notabeki camp under satkhira range.