Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of addditional class room parandaha under pedp4
construction of additional class room taluigacha under pedp4
construction of additional class room babulia under pedp4
construction of additional class room vobanipur under pedp4
construction of additional class room jog raj pur under pedp4
construction of additional class room bansghata under pedp4
construction of additional class room hawal khali under pedp4
procurement of tabletdesktop computer printer & scanner
repair by base type-ii and carpeting with seal coat work at 11th12thp13thp18thp19thp km of dapdapia - nalcity-mollarhat-moshespur road z-8051 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
repair by base type-iicarpeting and seal coat work at 2ndp 3rd & 4thp km of binapani-kachua-betagi-mirjagonj-patuakhali z-8052 & under road division during the year 2020-2021.