Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
purchase of pack battery for kirisun uhf nc pt7200w/t.
repair and maintenance works of both dykes of dinajpur irrigation canal -a. in between km. 16.000 to km. 21.00 500 m. -b. in between km. 21.500 to km. 22.500 350 m total 850m under o&m division during fy-2020-2021.
repair & maintenance work of -a. left dyke of dinajpur irrigation canal in between km. 10.850 to km. 12.500 150m with guide wall -b. right dyke of dinajpur irrigation canal in between km. 11.620 to km. 13.870 800m total 950m under o&m division during fy-2020-2021.
repair and renovation works of existing five storied computer science & engineering building at engineering college under sadar upazilla
repair and renovation worksof existing four storied admin building at engineering college under sadar upazilla
construction of shahid minar at engineering college under sadar upazilla
supplying of sanitary goods at departmental store including different type of faucet hand shower push shower pillar cock moving sink cock etc.
supplying different type of disinfection materials including savlan hand rub hand sanitizer bleaching powder liquid soap normal soap hand gloves surgical and high quality mask and hexisol etc goods at departmental store.
supplying different type of g.i pipes and fittings at departmental store
supplying of hard ware at departmental store including different type mortice lock handle lock hanging lock plastic door plastic door hinge handle c.p hasp bolt socket bolt tower bolt putting screw nails g.i wire rope and other hardware materials and goods.