Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of 10 nos 2 storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under need based infrastructure development of government primary schools project at different upazilla in fy 2020-2021
a. construction of rcc drain from feni road to nipu bhaban ward no.09 part-1 ch.0.00m -228.50m. b . construction of rcc drain from nipu bhaban to fazilar link road ward no.09 part-2 ch.228.50m- 457.00m c. construction of rcc drain from noor moshjid road ward no.3 ch.0.00-350.00m. d . construction of rcc drain from sudra bari alipur road to dadnar khal part-1 ward no3 ch.0.00-300.00m
a. re-habilitation& wedening of bituminious carpeting road from feni road to faziler ghat link road ward no.09 ch.0.00-475.00m. wedening of bituminious carpeting road from noor mosjid to sultan miar bari ward no.03 ch.33.00m - 275.00m.
procurement of 48v & 110v dc battery battery charger & dcdb for communication circle & different grid substation
repair of damaged pavement by hbb pavement at ch. 43745 to ch. 43860 ch. 44260 to ch. 44380 ch. 44600 to ch. 44820 ch. 44940 to ch. 45025 & ch. 45375 to ch. 45425 km of singra-gurudaspur-chatmohor z-5209 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
estimate for repair and seal coat at ch.31860 to 32000 ch.32715 to 32910 ch.33210 to 34000 & ch. 34400 to 36405 of tebunia chatmohor-handial-humkuria road r-604 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
procurement of different types of fire extinguisher & refilling of 31 nos. fire extinguisher cylinders.
repair and renovation works of project management unit of sufal project
supplying of stone chips pea gravel brick chips 1st class bricks fire wood brick bats and paint for departmental repair work at different roads under road division during the year 2020-2021.
installation of 84 nos deep tube well 100x38mm with submersible pump at different upazilla of under safe water supply through out the countryswsc project fy-2019-2020.