Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of 1. miniature circuit breaker mcb rail mounting type with thermol megnetic over load protection 2 pole 220/400 volts 32 amps2. inter vehicular train busher coupler socket consisting of 5 pin out let 2 for main power supply 400 vac one for pe and 2 for control circuit type ja/1404/r. gez. drg. rfg. no. 47387.05.
cleaning old mosaic in south south-west wes north-west north block and cleaning brick pavement for 10th session session at 11th national parliament in the fy 2020-21
installation of 15 nos deep tube well with no 6 hand pump under revenue budget using departmental materials fy 2020-21.
supplying fitting and fixing of sanitary and plumbing fittings for different office dept. at pust. fy 219-2020
installation of tube well different places at word-1-9 under rehabilitation of a road from road to sarker para house of saydur rahman at word-05 under
procurement of benchtop reciprocal shaker for the department of chemical engineering
construction of 10 nos 2 storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under need based infrastructure development of government primary schools project at hatiya upazilla fy 2020-2021
supply of bottled soybean oil enriched with vit. a & d to all jail for the period january/2021 to december/2021
procurement of shoes and socks for male & female staff
hire of manpower for washing cleaning and greasing of container handling equipment for a period of 01 one year.