Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
procurement of servicing work of air conditioner ac and central chiller system under annual maintenance contract with spares
construction of flexible pavement road embankment rigid pavement bus bay protective work rcc drain saucer drain sign signal & 9nos rcc box culvert at 79th km to 97th km of bholaporantalukderhat-borhanuddin-lalmohon-charfession-charmanika regional highway r 890 under bhola road division during the year 2020-2021
supplying of 1st class p.j bricks stone chips sylhet sand local sand fire wood wire rope & u-clamp at stackyard under road division during the year 2020-2021.
supply and installation of a permanent shed on hrsg rooftop of 450 mw north plant
installation of 20 twenty nos. shallow tubewell 6 at fy 2020-2021.
construction of 02 two nos. public toilet at fy 2020-2021.
renovation works of operator room at titas location-c
renovation of palisading including ancillary works beside retaining wall of north & west side
construction of room for imam & muazzin of mosque
construction of walkway along the well head boundary wall at titas location-a