Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of miscellaneous item1.glycerol2.dropper 3.sterile cotton swab for streaking plate4.plain test tube glass5.sterile screw cap test tube glass 6.sterile urine container7.test tube rack8.hypochlorite solution9.absolute ethanol10.toilet tissue11.empty & handy spraying bottle to put 70 ethanol12.powder-free nitrile gloves medium13.biohazard bag medium14.surgical box pack17.sterile paraffin oil18.cryovial19.plastic petri dishes 120mm20.plastic petri dishes 90mm21.zipper bag22.sterile empty plastic bottle to contain reagents23.forcep24.unscented candle25.electric bunsen burner26.cryovial rack27.thermometer28.ball pen29.airtight plastic bags for uninoculated plate storage30.measuring cylinder 31.funnel chemical resistant32.ruler33.marker pen34.liquid soap35.plastic beaker 36.plastic beaker 37.masking tape
supply of extraction and amplification items1.dnase rnase pyrogen free 2.0 ml microcentrifuge tube2.optical 8 tube strip 0.2ml compatible with cfx96 3.optical 8 strip pcr plate cap compatible with machine4.pcr cooler cold storage system for 96 wells5.test tube rack for eppendorf colorless6.falcon tube 15ml7.foil paper8.0.2ml 96 well pcr plate easy to cut raised well rim 9.optical adhesive film sealer10.eppendorf storage box11.96 well pcr tube rack with lid12.phosphate buffer saline13.pcr micropipette 100-1000 l14.pcr micropipette 20-200 l15.pcr micropipette 10-100 l16.pcr micropipette 2-20 l universal17.pcr micropipette 0.1-10 l universal18.1000 l tips sterile19.200 l art tips 1-200l sterile20.100l art tips 0.5 - 100l sterile21.20l art tips 0.1 - 20l sterile22.10 l art tips sterile23.parafilm24.pipette stand
supply of antibiotic disc 1. penicillin 10u 2. ceftriaxone 30ug 3. azithromycin 15ug 4. ciprofloxacin 5ug 5. tetracycline 30ug6. cefixime 5ug7. spectinomycin 100ug 8. nitrocefin disk cefinase discs impregnated with nitrocefine-test strips1. penicillin benzylpenicillin 10u 2. ceftriaxone 30ug 3.cefixime 5ug 4.azithromycin 15ug 5.ciprofloxacin 5ug 6. spectinomycin 100ug 7.tetracycline 30ug
supplying of shifting labour at gorai river dredging fy 2020-21.
supply of blood collection tools1. vacoutainer red tube2. butterfly needle with adapter 21g3. tourniquet4. alcohol pad5. adhesive bandage6. medical grade cotton
supply of reagents and swab for pcr and culture1. sterile dry swab stick in tube dacron plastic shaft2. gram stain reagents3. filter paper for oxidase test whattman paper
construction of wmca office building 12mx6mpart-b electrical works of wmca officepart-c supply of office furniture of wmca officepart-d supply of computer of wmca office & part-e documentation of works for kajoli danger beel sub-project spid-72014 under upazila nagarkanda
construction of wmca office building 12mx6mpart-b electrical works of wmca office part-c supply of office furniture of wmca officepart-d supply of computer of wmca officepart-e documentation of works & part-f provisional sum for monikota bazar sub-project sp id-71008 under upazila sadarpur
construction of additional class room of munshipara under pedp4
construction of additional class room of zankikhila gps under pedp4