Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of 5 nos two storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under nbidgps-1project
construction of 5 nos two storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under nbidgps-1project
construction of 5 nos two storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under nbidgps-1project
installation of different dia house connection at ishwargonj pourashava under expansion and development of water supply and sanitation system in ishwargonj pourashava
installation of different dia house connection at ishwargonj pourashava under expansion and development of water supply and sanitation system in ishwargonj pourashava
construction of 01 nos. community toilet with 3 cubicales 1 urinals 2 wash basins 1 septic tank and 1 soak well with sanitary and electrical works under nsp-3 dphe
development and piloting of dredger monitoring system in connection with operation and maintenance of central ict directorate bwdb fy 2020-2021
installation of 104 nos. 75 mm x 38 mm deep tubewell with submersible pump of dphe fy 2019-20 project for safe water supply throughout the country.
installation of 25 nos deep & shallow tara tube well extractable with 6 hand pump under preferential rural water supply project of dphe mymensingh fy-2020-21.
construction of 5 nos two storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under nbidnngps-1 project