Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
slope protection work of the dharmapasha ruibeel submersible embankment from km 0.00 to km 0.935 0.935 km km 0.965 to km 2.180 1.215 km in between km 4.500 to km 4.570 0.040 km. in between km 35.025 to km 35.100 0.040 km km 9.200 to km 10.350 1.150 km total length 3.380 km with 4.700 km embankment re-sectioning work & 1 no 30.00 m width flood fuse at km 0.950 & 2nos 15.00 m width flood fuse at km 4.520 & km 35.050 respectively in upazilla dharmapasha in c/w haor flood management and livelihood improvement project part under o&m division-1
supply of printing and publication of bmd journal newsletters bookletbrochuresleaflets and related books.
re-excavation/maintenance of ponds/dighi/ditches owned by zilla parishads fy 2020-2021
re-excavation/maintenance of ponds/dighi/ditches owned by zilla parishads fy 2020-2021
cutting jungles and shrub including removing and cleaning the spot / site etc. as per direction of engineer-in-charge at fenchugonj 230/132/33 kv grid substation under
supplying furniture for the renovation work at conference room of veterinary animal & biomedicalsciences faculty building-2 goods
repair & renovation works of main buildingaic building & admin building of barc.
repair & renovation work of library at aic building in barc
repair and maintenance of internal road
construction of main gate at upazila parishad belkuchi