Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.

14721 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19299422
Location :  Dhaka - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Nov, 2020

procurement of nut-bolt washer gasket cable guard ferrule plastic tape etc. for breakdown works under f.m.d-2 dwasa lot-2

14722 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19299436
Location :  Coxs Bazar - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  23 Nov, 2020

improvement of 1. ratna palong holudia road by bc from ch.1100m - 2305m road id 422945003 . 2. jautola bhalukia road by bc from ch.00 -.810.0m road id 422945004. 3. rumka-rumka bazar road by bc from ch.00 - 372.0m road id 422945005. 4. ukhiya malvita road by bc from ch.00 - 700.0m road id 422944054. 5. sonaichari thingapara road by bc from ch.00 - 845.0m road id 422945006. 6. north sonaichari-west sonaichari road by bc from ch 00 - 945.0m road id 422945018. 7. lambari para jame mosque road by bc from ch 00 - 2340.00m road id 422945019. 8. ghaltpara holudia road by bc from ch 00 - 975.00m road id 422945025. 9. bottoly-pukuria road by bc from ch 00 - 2845.00m road id 422944060. 10. telipara-mazerpara road by bc from ch 00 - 2320.00m road id 422944050. 11. ukhiya hatimora road by bc from ch 2426 - 4972.0 m road id 422944058. 12. shiler chara road by bc from ch 00 -1517.00m road id 422945074. 13. mohasen ali to baggona road by bc from ch 00 - 1405.00m road id 422945078. 14. bangamata mohila cillege to east sikder bill road by bc from ch 00 -1228.00m. road id 422945079. 15. paglir bill soya khola road by bc from ch 00 - 2310.0m road id 422945082. including of 22 nos box culvert 93 no x-drain 1703m rcc u-drain & 10230m protection work on the above roads under ukhiya upazila

14723 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19298502
Location :  Dhaka - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Nov, 2020

supply of new cut size b-twill gunnies with 50 kg packing capacity made in the year 2020. size length-94 cm/37 inches width-57 cm/22.5 inches-minimum weight-700.00 gm/1.55 pound. 6 x 8 hemmed overhead dry/herakle with safety sewn. 3 blue stripes across the length on the back of each bag. weaving weight and sewing shall be defectless according to bds 906-1979. each bag shall be stenciled in black ink with selected texts specified in the contract. each bale shall contain 300 bags bound with 3three iron/plastic belts.

14724 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19298510
Location :  Dhaka - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Nov, 2020

supply of new cut size b-twill gunnies with 50 kg packing capacity made in the year 2020. size length-94 cm/37 inches width-57 cm/22.5 inches-minimum weight-700.00 gm/1.55 pound. 6 x 8 hemmed overhead dry/herakle with safety sewn. 3 blue stripes across the length on the back of each bag. weaving weight and sewing shall be defectless according to bds 906-1979. each bag shall be stenciled in black ink with selected texts specified in the contract. each bale shall contain 300 bags bound with 3three iron/plastic belts.

14725 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19298526
Location :  Dhaka - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Nov, 2020

supply of new cut size b-twill gunnies with 50 kg packing capacity made in the year 2020. size length-94 cm/37 inches width-57 cm/22.5 inches-minimum weight-700.00 gm/1.55 pound. 6 x 8 hemmed overhead dry/herakle with safety sewn. 3 blue stripes across the length on the back of each bag. weaving weight and sewing shall be defectless according to bds 906-1979. each bag shall be stenciled in black ink with selected texts specified in the contract. each bale shall contain 300 bags bound with 3three iron/plastic belts.

14726 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19298533
Location :  Dhaka - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Nov, 2020

supply of new cut size b-twill gunnies with 50 kg packing capacity made in the year 2020. size length-94 cm/37 inches width-57 cm/22.5 inches-minimum weight-700.00 gm/1.55 pound. 6 x 8 hemmed overhead dry/herakle with safety sewn. 3 blue stripes across the length on the back of each bag. weaving weight and sewing shall be defectless according to bds 906-1979. each bag shall be stenciled in black ink with selected texts specified in the contract. each bale shall contain 300 bags bound with 3three iron/plastic belts.

14727 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19298558
Location :  Dhaka - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Nov, 2020

supply of new cut size b-twill gunnies with 50 kg packing capacity made in the year 2020. size length-94 cm/37 inches width-57 cm/22.5 inches-minimum weight-700.00 gm/1.55 pound. 6 x 8 hemmed overhead dry/herakle with safety sewn. 3 blue stripes across the length on the back of each bag. weaving weight and sewing shall be defectless according to bds 906-1979. each bag shall be stenciled in black ink with selected texts specified in the contract. each bale shall contain 300 bags bound with 3three iron/plastic belts.

14728 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19298570
Location :  Dhaka - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Nov, 2020

supply of new cut size b-twill gunnies with 50 kg packing capacity made in the year 2020. size length-94 cm/37 inches width-57 cm/22.5 inches-minimum weight-700.00 gm/1.55 pound. 6 x 8 hemmed overhead dry/herakle with safety sewn. 3 blue stripes across the length on the back of each bag. weaving weight and sewing shall be defectless according to bds 906-1979. each bag shall be stenciled in black ink with selected texts specified in the contract. each bale shall contain 300 bags bound with 3three iron/plastic belts.

14729 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19298579
Location :  Kushtia - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Nov, 2020

supplying spare parts & repairing of bedford truck no-comilla ta-3047 under road division during the year 2020-2021.

14730 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :19298588
Location :  Faridpur - Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  03 Nov, 2020

unloading works from railway sideline bto to storage tank and related services of faridpur 50mw peaking power plant

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