Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
parts & repairing of fedroma road roller no. 974 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
construction of 10 storied new building for iedcr at mohakhali sub-head supply and installation of multimedia projector.
transmission line tower leg painting of natore grid sub-station under
excavation cutting breaking mixing adding required materials for proper gradation and recompact of existing bituminous layer & dbs-wearing course at 185thp & 186thp km of dhakamirpur-utholi-paturia-natakhola-kashinathpur-rangpur-beldanga-banglabandha n-5 road under road division during the year 2020-2021.
supply of winter liveries for bous employees for the year of 2021.
supply of covit-19 related items
reparing of shed & base of generators at different pumping station under generator division
1. improvement of battali - classipara road by rcc work from ch 0-1475m road id 422944016 including 01 no of culvert of size 1v x 4.0m x 4.5m 01 no. of size 1v x 2.0m x 2.0m 2 nos x-drain 97.0m rcc u-drain & 611.0m protection work by l-drain & brick toe wall. 2. improvement of ratnapalang hill tract road by rcc work from ch. 0-1530 m road id 422944017 including 02 nos. box culvert of size 1v x 2.0m x 2.0m 04 nos x-drain. 3. improvement of patabari headman road by rcc work from ch 0-1125m road id 422944019 including 03 nos. box culvert of size 1v x 2.0m x 2.0m 01 nos x-drain 35.0m rcc u-drain & 279.0m protection work by l-drain & brick toe wall. 4. improvement of panishiya graveyeard road by rcc from ch 0-1650m road id 422944020 including 03 nos box culvert of size 1v x 2.0m x 2.0m 04 nos x-drain & 445.0m protection work by l-drain palisading & brick toe wall. under ukhiya upazila
1. improvement of drownkhali nalbonia janab ali road road by rcc work from ch.0.0-925.0m road id 422944001 including 02 nos x-drain 89.0m rcc u-drain & 224.0m protection work by palisading & brick toe wall. 2. improvement of mariccha g.c-lambori para via gorirdip road by rcc work from ch.1207-2935.0m road id 422944003 including 02 nos. box culvert of size 1v x 2.5m x 2.5m 01 no. of size 1v x 2.0 x 2.0m 07 nos x-drain & 1472.0m protection work by l-drain & toe wall. 3. improvement of gilatali-maskaria modhuchora road by rcc work from ch.0.0-2676.0m road id 422944010 including 06 nos. box culvert of size 1v x 3.0m x 2.5m 01 no. of size 1v x 2.0 x 2.0m 01 no. of size 2v x 2.5m x 2.5m 03 nos x-drain 75.0m u-drain & 2602.0m protection work by palisading l-drain toe wall & rcc retaining wall. 4. improvement of dailpara dagbanglow - degolia chack boita road by rcc work from ch 2465.0-3800.0m road id 422944015 including 09 nos x-drain 73.0m rcc u-drain & 587.0m protection work by l-drain & brick toe wall.under ukhiya upazila
1. construction of 40.00m long rcc girder bridge on durongkhali station to mohajon para community clinic road id 422944090 . 2. construction of 42.00m long rcc girder bridge on shailer deba chakbotia road kalachan road road id 422944069 . 3. construction of 45.00m long rcc girder bridge on moricha gc - nailkhongchari via pagleer beel natunpara road ukhiya part road id 422942005. 4. construction of 48.00m long rcc girder bridge on court bazar post office road id 422944028 in ukhiya upazila