Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
procurement of electrical instruments solenoid valves directional valves etc. for unit 1
procurement of 125v dc battery sets for gt 1 2 & stg 1
tree plantation in polder no-43/1 43/2f 44b & 45 under ndr budget at o&m division during the year 2020-2021 package no. br-ndr-tp-03/2020-21
tree plantation in polder no-41/4 41/5 41/6a 41/6b & 42 under ndr budget at o&m division during the year 2020-2021 package no. br-ndr-tp-02/2020-21
tree plantation in polder no-39/1a 40/1 39/1d 39/2a 41/2 41/3 & 41/7b under ndr budget at o&m division during the year 2020-2021 package no. br-ndr-tp-01/2020-21
construction of class room of bagmara primary school at fenchuganj upazila.
1 construction of r.c.c drain at king sreepur high school road from house of abdul mannan to west side culvert under pourashava ch 694-904m2 construction of r.c.c road at sreepur west bypass road to west side house of chan miah under pourashava cumilla ch. 00-290 m.3 construction of r.c.c drain at sreepur west bypass road to west side house of chan miah & jamal under pourashava ch 30.00-230.00m4 improvement of west dhonmuri road to house of advocat shiraz nearest chatitola road under ch. 0.00-300m.
1 road improvement of a road at panchr house of kader member to house of saiful counselor under chouddagram pourashava comilla. ch. 235.500m2 cross drain improvement of a road at panchr house of kader member to house of saiful counselor under chouddagram pourashava comilla. ch. 235.500m3 road construction of rcc road for chouddagram upazila porishod under chouddagram pourashava comilla. ch. 0.00-80.00m4 retaining wall construction of rcc retaining wall at nearest in front of chouddagram upazila porishod road side under chouddagram pourashava 0.00-80.00m5 road-bc improvement of a road from dhaka-chittagong highway to falgunkara chowdhury bari road under chouddagram pourashava road-rcc construction of r.c.c road at south falgunkara road to house of chowdhury bari under chouddagram pourashava comilla. ch. 00- 96.00 m7 construction of r.c.c road at chandishkara laksum road to towards north side house of shekh abdur rahaman under chouddagram pourashava comilla. ch. 00-262.00 m
supply of wheel hub assembly with 32 items spare parts for 50 ton capacity terminal tractor of zonal workshop-ab.
construction of bridge no-303 1x2m at km 414/5-6-5 in between knk-busa section with temporary arrangement.