Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
aa improvement of road at thatari para starting from h/o nurujjaman to h/o akabbar mekura road ch0.0-3150.00m w-33b improvement of road at hossain nagar starting from hossain nagar sorkari prathomik biddaloy to hossain nagar bridge via hossain nagar bazar & link w-33b improvement of road from khotkhotia purbo para h/o montu up to canal via muktijoddha sherajul house ch0.0-360.0m & link road starting from h/o romjan up to h/o bablu kaji ch 0.0-85.0m w-05c improvement of road from harati dhonir more h/o nur islam up to burir hat main roadch0.0-1260.0m & link via h/o karim doctor ch0.0-450.0m w-05.
improvement of road at starting from a horiram krisno para bottoli road to h/o mojammel ch 0.00-515.00m w02. b monohar purbo para bc road to h/o rayhan h/o akabbar ch 0.00-690.00 w02. c gulay buday h/o mannan chearmen to buday dokkin para jame mosque ch 0.00-910.00 link- koipara mejjali jame mosque to h/o fajlul hoq ch 0.00-540.00 link-2 koipara h/o kala mannan to h/o abdul ores ch 0.00-590.00 w07. dharagach road to saha jame mosquto ch 0.00-252.00 link-01buday h/o nojrul exit.bc road to hajirbajar vary bad ch0.00-1260.00m w08. e h/o ajijul vaya h/o jogin to jica road ch 0.00-850.00m link-1h/o nurislam to johurul ch 0.00-130.00 link-02 h/o jogin to h/o biroth ch 0.00-80.00m w09.
1 improvement of roadbokhtiarpur mouzar arojuddiner more to h/o belal driver via baniar more .w-102 improvement of road dhnir tari shalmarabill poschim kamdebpur shoilandronath hoe azimpur rashnir house w-113 improvement of road h/o abul vander to sharkar para via prime hospital link shop of samia to sahabul link2 lakarpara via borobari road tto h/o amirul w-134 improvement of road h/o rouf to h/o abdul barek bambo garden at w-145 improvement of road gugipara late muhshin house to h/o altab link hazi abdussattar primari school w-13.
construction of rcc road from c good luck traders to pucca road via grave yard. d medical purbagate from nuruzzaman store to h/o shohel vai. e parvatipur eid ga math to dakhil madrasa.f parvatipur rampura rd shop of raju to h/o nasir.g parvatipur dolapara h/o raihan hosen to h/o hiru mia. h circular rd. h/o fajlu bhai to h/o nuru. i circular rd. samsuddin dewani lane to h/o khaleq. j circular rd. h/o afsal to h/o shakil. k circular rd. shampa cotton mill to h/o hannan via h/o arif.m circular rd. to h/o mamun.n circular rd. to h/o shafiqul islam.o circular rd.shaban factory to h/o sujoni. p circular rd. to h/o yunus ali.q circular rd. fakir mosque to h/o mamun and to h/o dulal link and h/o bodrul link.r circular rd. tuhin store to h/o belal.scircular rd. taslima institute to h/o mostafiz.tcircular rd. fakir mohammad mosque h/o jamal & link-1 rd upto h/o sultan and link-2 rd. upto h/o dulal.uwest babukha from h/o lal to atoyar chattrabas.v bakultola east ganeshpur from h/o rubel to darrus salam jame mosque.w darrus salam jame mosque to h/o komol.x h/o deuk mp to h/o nurul islam mia.y sardarpara ganeshpur from h/o mukul vai to h/o nazim vai.z ganeshpur h/o touhid to h/o army. construction of rcc rd and drain at.b1south ganeshpur from h/o mukta to h/o masud vai. c-1babukha paschimpara from jaman bhabon to pucca road. construction of rcc road at.d1 south babukha from h/o mona to the last house of the road.e1 balapara shop of ratan to balapara govt. primary of rcc road and drain at.f1 babukha road from alhazz chatrabas to h/o nur jahan begum.g1north babukha from samanin house to h/o rafiqul.h1shop of nasir to h/o motiar.i1 rahmania mosque shapla rd to roy varieties store via h/o shafiqul islam j1 shapla road h/o shahabuddin to h/o samad. k1 purba ganeshpur bokultola from h/o hindu liton to h/o ajmol via h/o goni h/o dipok h/o shamim and h/o azizar.
conastraction of rcc road eid-gha para h/o.kader to h/o.beuty ch0.00-250.00. w28iiiconastraction of rcc road lalbag krishi bipanon odhidoptor to h/ w28 ivconastraction of road bituminous carpating dorshona navana distibution center to mr.faruk shape ch0.00-270mlink-130m.w28 vconastraction of rcc road at tati para dairy mile to h/o.fajlu mistry. w24. viconastraction of rcc road at vip mosadarul islam mithu road farjona haque girls hostel to krishan coldstore.w28 a construction of r.c.0 road at tati para jannat pharmacy to h/o.malak w24 ii construction of r.c.0 road at tati para loskor hotel to h/0 3567 hamidul. w24. b i rehabilition of road at robertson ganj jama mosque paum road to mondol para morch0.00-368.00m link-1 asha office to soriful torech0.00- 21534 185mlink-2 h/o-afjal to shama sunduri canale ch0.00-215m w26iiconstruction of road at robertson ganj tati para bridge to am agro nursery ch0.00-1029.00m w26 iii rehabilition of road at nurpur boro jame mosque to lakir more.ch0.00-500.00mlink ch0.00-200.00m w26.
repairing & sbst work at ch. 11300 m to ch. 15057 m of dharkhar-akhaura-snearbadi road z-1202 under road division during the year 2020-21.
collection of information of soil properties and strength with a view to construct infrastructure over it within rmcip area.
construction of office buildings & infrastructures
repairs to out house of bungalow e/54 & other ancillary work .
construction of badc unit office cum training center within the project area ref-25