Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of buried pipe irrigation channel 800 mete each at 01 cusec low lift pump scheme including pump house under project area lot-125.
construction of buried pipe irrigation channel 1200 mete each at 02 cusec low lift pump scheme including pump house under project area lot-110.
patch repair through strengthening & potholes repair carpeting with seal coat work of palbari - board office - monihar n-708 national highway road in different location within ch. 0000km to ch. 3000km palbari to barundi para total working length0.95km under road division during the year 2020-21
supply of different sizes power cable & control cable for repair and maintenance works of various substation under gmdpgcb
supply of 1. expansion valve part no. ul2001126.2. dryer refrigerant filter drier dcl 083 no. 0.074l net 7.5 oz hfc/hcfc/cfc mwp61opsig/4zbartemp 160f70c. made in mexico.
herring bond brick pavement with single layer brick flat soling work at 51stp km of barabari-burimari n-509 road under road division during the year 2020-2021.
supply and installation works of fire hydrant system at officers dormitory of armed police battalion uttara
printing binding & supplying 05 kinds of text books for bou mba bengali program 3rd semester.
procurement of safety item for all section shoesumbrellafire safety itemmaskglovessafety shoebeltshouttorch lighthelmet gumboot etc of haripur 412 mw ccpp egcb ltd.
installation of 30 thirty nos deep tube well at chengarchar paurashava