Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of pre-treatment chemicals for water treatment of 225 mw ccpp nwpgcl
repair of potholes carpeting seal coat rcc palisiding and earth work at 18th p19th p 21th p and 22th p km of birishiri road z-3709 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
repair of potholes seal coat and carpeting work on the damaged pavement at 16thch. 15000 to ch.15700 17th16000 to 17000 18th17300 to 18000 & 19th18200 to 19000 km of purbadhala-hugla-dhobaura road z-3707 under road division during the year 2020-2021
construction of additional class room nilokkhi bondor govt. primary school under pedp4.
construction of additional class room char gozaria govt. primary school under pedp4.
construction of additional class room takerhat govt. primary school under pedp4.
construction of additional class room panchar govt. primary school under pedp4.
construction of additional class room kabilpur govt. primary school under pedp4.
construction of additional class room rajar char panchu hawladerkandi govt. primary school under pedp4.
installation of 36 nos deep tubewells with submersible pump at bahubal and madhabpur upazilas in under village water supply project