Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
replacement/repair damaged/unserviceable light fittings wiring control switch socket etc. including related electrical works of air handling unit plant & veranda of 9th floor central air conditioning system of national parliament bhaban sher e bangla nagar
refrigerator kitchen hood repair & servicing electrical repair work of 9th floor porjotan canteen & jaeta canteen of national assembly building at s b. nagar
construction of rcc anchor at both side 3 nos each side including pull in & pull out of baily/gangway pontoon at suitable place of nagarghata ferry ghat under road division during the year 2020-2021.
emergency pavement repair by base type-iicarpeting and seal coat at 17thp 18thp20thp22ndp23rdp and 24thp km of jharbaribirgonj-joygonj-bhabanigonj-police line-pachmatha-panchapukur-kishorgonj sadurarpool road z-5027 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
embankment maintenance by palisaiding work at 1stp & 2ndp km of darwani rail station connecting road z 5009 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
embankment maintenance by palisaiding work at at 24thp 26thp and 27thp km of jharbaribirgonj-joygonj-bhabanigonj-police line-pachmatha-panchapukur-kishorgonjsadurarpool road z-5027 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
repair of damaged pavement due to heavy traffic by aggregate base type-iicarpeting and seal coat work at 23thp 24thp and 25thp km of jaldhaka-dimla-tunirhat road z 5703 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
repair with seal coat work at 20thp 21stp22ndp23rdp and 24thp km of laldighi-texerhat-taragonj-kishorgonj part z 5015 road under road division during the year 2020-2021.
cleaning old mosaic in south south-west west north-west north block and cleaning brick pavement for 11th session session at 11 th national parliament in the fy 2020-21 at national parliament bhaban.
supply of vhf set for various type of vessel of biwtc. c