Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supplying of stone chips pea-gravels 1st class /pj bricks & local sand at pirojpur road division stack yard for repair work of different road under pirojpur road sub-division of road division during the year 2020-2021.
supplying of steel wire rope & u clamp at different ferryghat of rhd stack yard under road division during the year 2020-2021.
installation of 100mm x 50mm dia. deep tube-wells with 0.75 hp capacity submersible pump with ro filter at different primary schools of rajnagar and kulaura upozilla in under pedp-4
installation of 100mm x 50mm dia. deep tube-wells with 0.75 hp capacity submersible pump with ro filter at different primary schools of sadar shrimongol and komolganj upozilla in under pedp-4
supply of equipment for microbiology lab
supply of computer and related equipment
construction of additional class fatema rahman rps under pedp4.
construction of boundary wall including gate of 1. dari chor gps 2. gharmora gps 3. mirashi kari gps under pedp-4
construction of brick masonry toe wal & l shape drain at 15thp 16thp 17thp & 25thp km. of manikchari-mohalchari-khagrachari road r-162 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
repair & seal coat work at 1st km 2nd p 3rd p 4th p 12th p 15th p & 16th p k.m of bangalhalia-rajosthali road z-1814 under road division during the year 2020-2021.