Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of ghatchowganga bazar west side bridge side union chowganga.2. estimate for toe-wall chandrapurharesh mia house to nazrul mia house east side union chowganga.3. estimate for re-pales work of chowganga badla&raitutipranisampodshedunion chowganga.4. estimate for constructionwork of chowgangafazilmadrasha women toilet union chowganga.5. estimate for protection wall elongjurinatun bazar bridge east side road union elongjuri.6. estimate for construction work of u-drain barohatkabilakuchuabeel road union elongjuri.7. estimate for ghat at place shilninurpurhasanrajar house front side union elongjuri.8. estimate for protection wall elongjuri govt primary school south and east side union elongjuri.9. estimate for ghat at place pachkahniafarid mia house front side union boribari.10. estimate for brick flat soling pachkahniadutola house to hobil mia house union boribari.
protection wall koiravillage mondir east side union boribari.2. estimate for u-drain of pachkahniabirmoktijuddhanoushad mia house front side union boribari.3. estimate for ghat at place on boribarijale para front side union boribari.4. estimate for ghat at place on n. shohila maher uddin house front side union boribari.5. estimate for brick flat soling boribari high school to ghat road union boribari.6. estimate for protection wall boribari land office remaining union boribari.7. estimate for ghat at place on simla 1 no. word borohatichowdary parakhal-par union badla.8. estimate for culvert work ofborsikura 3 no. word jalal house road side union badla.9. estimate for culvert badla 7 no. word sadekbohia&mizan chairman land side union badla.10. estimate for culvert kursi 9 no. word nayahatipaka road to pachim para road side union badla.11. estimate for construction of s-badla gps septic tank union badla.12. estimate for cc road work badlaabdul korhimmollha house front side to hospatal road union badla.
culvert work of thanesorkolimuddin member near house union badla.2. estimate for construction of badla bazar toilet near of badla up land office union badla.3. estimate for cc roadwork of thanesorpucka road to hafiziamadarsharoad union badla.4. estimate for cc raodwork of badla up ghat livestock shed to min road union badla.5. estimate for ghat at place on raitutypachim para dai bari river ghat union raituty.6. estimate for construction of u-drain kalnakarihalvillage near of nakase union raituty.7. estimate for construction ghat village of aralia shaer ali house front union raituty.8. estimate for construction of u-drain pongdolon village pabiabeelkhal union raituty.9 estimate for bick flat soling work of south razi bazar to raziboro mosque road union raituty.10. estimate for ghatat place on horipur bazar river par union raituty.11. estimate for ghatat place on pongdolonvillage front side river par union raituty.12. estimate for protection wall work of dhara village borohatiradhagovindamondir road union raituty.13. estimate for construction ofraituty gps septic tank union raituty.14. estimate for construction of stair north-south side kalna bridge approach union raituty.
supplying of enamel paint road marking paint thiner sand f.m-2.50 pvc banner etc. for safe road communication & display of safe road related slogan/writings at different road under road division during the year 2020-2021.
supply of log book and other registers for substations of grid north-1
supply of office stationary for office and substations of grid north-2
supply of log-book and other register for different substation under grid north-2
supply of cleaning materials for office and different substations under grid north-2
plantation of different types of flower plants for beautification at divisional office compound under road division during the year 2020-2021.
reconstruction of broken boundary wall during cyclone umpan construction of septic tank soak well and vertical extension of boundary wall with barbed wire fencing as well as repair & maintenance of existing surface drain at the residence of the superintending engineer circle fy 2020-2021.